Raise the number of workspaces limit
Hey Project IDX team,
I don't want to have a limit of 2 workspaces in project IDX. Can you lift the limit of two workspaces to maybe 50-100? I want to draft a lot of flutter, angular, and react projects in project IDX. Thanks.
- Dino
Maze commented
It's five right now, and a lot of people in the comments are complaining about how it would be a lot better if there were more than five. I think it would be cool to have more than five, and it could be a big factor in deciding whether or not you would want to use IDX, but you can't just give every single user 100 or unlimited workspaces, because every single one runs on a Google VM in the cloud, and I think it's already amazing that they let us access one workspace for free, without some time limit or deleted projects counting towards the limit. They're already providing us with so much for free, despite how expensive and hard that is. Yes, this would be great, but there are other issues with IDX that matter a lot more to me. For example, the Android emulators are currently no longer working, and that's one of the most important parts of IDX to me. People should be focusing on fixing actual issues with IDX rather than deciding whether or not to raise the workspace limit and calculating costs. Having access to more workspaces would be a great quality-of-life thing, but there are things much more important.
Naseeb commented
My personal opinion is limit is better and 5 is a good number. If you need a quality service and features you have to understand the scalability and cost behind it.
Milad Mehdizadeh commented
Why not having unlimited number of projects? Is it a scalability limit?
More quality data, makes better results.
Sudhindra sudhi commented
need this
Zac0511 commented
Yeah it would be useful, 5 projects is not a lot.
Luis R. Díaz Muñiz commented
In my case, I use it to teach HTML from scratch, and would like my students to have more than 5 free projects. (it's five today).
I think 10 would be a base number, being 20 a totally safe free projects amount for me.
Loévan Boultareau commented
I don't code a lot and every of my workspace are deleted by me. But it's a VERY good idea to have more workspace. I agree with Jhona Barreiro, maybe 10-15 will be good. I think it's because of their servers and there is a lot of people use it that they have to limit it.
Karen Doran commented
I would also like to have the project limits increase to be able to develop a more variety of projects
Jhona Barreiro commented
I´m agree with this comment!
I´m enjoining IDX a lot, but I reach the limit of Workspaces :(Maybe 10-15 is a good number too
Alessandro Silva commented
It's currently 5 if you have a google dev profile, but still very low in my humble opinion. It's way too easy to quickly run out of available workspaces for all of your projects and therefore not be able to use ProjectIDX for your new projects anymore. This is really going to be a huge barrier to adoption if it isn't significantly lifted.