518 results found
Unreal Engine and Blender code collaboration and renders
To add a new collaborative game development experience
1 vote -
Unreal Engine and Blender code collaboration and renders
To add a new collaborative game development experience
1 vote -
3 votes
Start IP address End IP address to allow IDX access to Azure databases and other databases
To allow connections to Azure databases you need to add a list of allowed IP addresses to bypass the firewall. If Google could provide all their IP address for IDX and provide documentation that would be great.
If I allow all IP addresses to connect to the Azure database the program works (of course since I am not blocking any connections, but this isn't the best practice)
1 vote -
Nix built-in support to MySQL Server
Add a simple syntax to enable MySQL server using the dev.nix file.
1 vote -
Code result word wrap
Word wrap Gemini code result based on Gemini tab width
1 vote -
Config / Tools to be able to choose specific flutter SDK or dart SDK
I'm not sure if there's a way to pick a specific flutter version and or dart version when creating a new project. In line with that, ensuring that updates are not automatically applied users to consent to upgrade to new dart or flutter versions.
1 vote -
AI Bug fixing
What If AI could fix your bugs? Or if you imported a program and it didn't match up with the proper file placement, your AI could figure out where each file should go, and move them as such. Or if you made a typo, AI could figure out how to fix it.
3 votes -
Add a symfony template
6 votes -
3 votes
WearOS and WatchOS
I would like project support these platforms along with the emulators. Flutter currently doesn't support it for cross platform development. However, for native development it would be a great addition.
Thanks to project IDX. I can now code with minimal hardware requirements.👍
3 votes -
2 votes
Gitlab project import
Hace falta poder importar proyectos desde GitLab
5 votes -
1 vote
Manual recovery
As Project IDX is still in beta, there's a few issue that might result in workspace being stuck in state where it cannot be recovered. For example, I was impacted by
It would be nice if the "Launch Recovery" button will be available, even if the system did not detect any error. Issue like this can be easily be fixed if we can changed the dev.nix file with a manual recovery.4 votes -
Ayude con la creacion y seguimiento de un proyecto por Github
Al importar un proyecto de github, diria que evidentemente al hacer el proceso de carga y configuracion, todo estaria listo, pero no, o no se si estoy haciendo algo mal, probe creando un proyecto en django desde aqui, crea directamente el entorno virtual y el comando devserver.sh etc, pero al carga un proyecto de django (que no lo usaba con entorno virtual ya que lo trabajaba desde el local) no ayuda a configurarlo para que este funcione bien, ni tampoco ayuda a crear el cmando devserver
1 vote -
Add Dart templates
Dart official templates
21 votesWe have released a preview version of Dart support on the server for you all to try out! :-)
Feel free to reply in the forums itself with your feedback.
Global Nix configuration for applied to all workspaces
Add a nix file that is global and unique to a particular account which includes packages that a developer wants/needs in every workspace.
For example, neovim and its associated config is something I would want to use in every workspace, but other developers may not want that OR they may have an entirely different neovim config they want to use, making the dev.nix inside workspaces impractical.
While it is possible to manually edit every dev.nix with associated packages for each project. This, however, is inconvenient at best, and problematic at worst, especially if developers are collaborating on a repo and…
13 votes -
Please add console ninja extension for idx
Console Ninja is an extension available in VS Code that displays the real-time console in the code editor.
1 vote -
Enable support for iPad/Tablets using Browser apps Chrome/Safari/Firefox etc.
I should be able to use IDX on my chrome app on my iPad.
45 votes
- Don't see your idea?