Global Nix configuration for applied to all workspaces
Add a nix file that is global and unique to a particular account which includes packages that a developer wants/needs in every workspace.
For example, neovim and its associated config is something I would want to use in every workspace, but other developers may not want that OR they may have an entirely different neovim config they want to use, making the dev.nix inside workspaces impractical.
While it is possible to manually edit every dev.nix with associated packages for each project. This, however, is inconvenient at best, and problematic at worst, especially if developers are collaborating on a repo and want the dev.nix state to be included in the repo but share differing opinions on things such as the neovim config mentioned above.
Amelia Sylvester commented
This idea for both packages and extensions would save so much time . Copying/pasting a config file and rebuilding isn't difficult but it is kind of annoying since for the most part a lot of the projects I work on utilize the same packages and extensions.
Ezequias Oliveira commented
I liked that, and that's something I was looking for. But my idea is that I could configure several files and use the one I would like to use in a given project. Thank you very much for raising this issue :)
Juned Setiawan commented
Is it possible to install extensions globally so that users don't have to install the same extensions in every workspace, if there is this feature then users don't need to waste time and the internet just installing extensions over and over again
Thank You