Persist Environment Settings Across Sessions
If you customize your panels, themes, fonts, colors, and other settings, we want to ensure your customizations are persisted the next time you access Project IDX.
As part of our recently released preview of our Nix extensibility work, we persist all changes in your home directory. We are exploring additional ways of being able to persist changes between VM sessions.
Mcisme Ads commented
Can you add a remote ssh ?
Daryus Medora commented
Would be great to be able to use VS Code's Settings Sync ( to sync settings via GitHub account, rather than just within IDX.
Jhonier Andres Mosquera Benitez commented
Sin importar el proyecto que estemos ejecutando, poder tener nuestras extensiones y configuración, debería ser global para todo el IDE y no para proyectos específicos.
chakkun1121 commented
I want to login with github account and sync settings with my vscode.
Amit commented
Please include an option for settings synchronization across workspaces. Users may not prefer to customize every new workspace they create, so it would be more convenient if these settings were automatically synced across all workspaces.
Kaushik Chowdhury commented
When i use any IDE, i perfer using vim motions. So i use vim extention. It will be better to allow some extention to pressist accross workspace, and also sync the settings.json file