Public HTTP frontend and backend previews
Its very hard to give access to one person at a time to look at a frontend project, so instead of doing all that, why not add a "make app public" option? so that other people can access it and I can easily preview my next js apps with a simple command: 'npm run dev' and then share the localhost link to others to show them previews
We are actively working on this right now. Expect an update from us shortly on how you can try out this capability.
Ala GARBAA commented
same with SvelteKIT i wanna to use custom port like 35011
Emanuel Marquis commented
it's a bit disapointing not being able to change preview port.
Abel Mihailescu commented
We should be able to change the port of the web preview tab. I run laravel and the application starts on port 9002 (9000 and 9001 are used) but the web preview is listening on port 9000 which is a black page.
Filip Weiss commented
Port 8080 is a very popular port for running local stuff. It looks like oss code is currently using this. Maybe use something more obscure so everyone can use 8080 if they want.
Tiberius Rubicon commented
After user created web application’s back-end in IDX, let IDX to run it and to forward port via tunnelling to real address(like: to user’s 443 application’s port.) It will allow back-end devs to create simple builds for their applications and to test back-end via mobile devs and front end devs which works on their own machines.
Hi Mustafa - this is something we are actively exploring ways of supporting. One interim option may be to deploy to Firebase Hosting's Preview Channel and share that URL. Is that something that you've tried?
Kirupa -
Anonymous commented
Yes, this is what I meant on my request. It is not public.
Roman Nurik (Google) commented
Especially for developing and testing cloud-to-cloud services before deploying them, it'd be great to be able to expose locally running web servers as public HTTP endpoints.