Elixir / Phoenix Template
Elixir is built on top of Erlang. Phoenix is a popular web framework for Elixir projects. I use both as my main stack for both work and personal projects.
I tried creating a template myself but I couldn't get the previews working: https://idx.google.com/elixir-phoenix-test-85975

The User commented
Two changes:
(Sidebar preview is fixed, but that hot reload is not working inside the editor but in new tab is)
1. At config/dev.exs
import Config
config :hello, HelloWeb.Endpoint,
http: [ip: {0, 0, 0, 0}, port: 9002],....
2. change/add idx.dev
previews = {
enable = true;
previews = {
web = {
command =
["mix" "phx.server"];
manager = "web";
# env = {
# PORT = "9002";
# };
}; -
Hi Nezteb - this is really cool. Can you please send me an e-mail to kirupa[at]google.com with this feedback item as the link? I can't guarantee that we'll have someone looking at it immediately, but we do want to better understand how we can document our Nix support to ensure previews can be made to work.